Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Module 5 - New Technology

While it may be safe to assume that people have positive attitudes toward experimenting with new technologies in the workplace, it may be equally safe to assume that you will encounter people in the workplace who have low self-efficacy in experimenting with new technologies. Briefly describe a situation in which you have encouraged people to use a new technology and have been met with resistance or disappointing results. What attitudes did these people exhibit? What behaviors did they demonstrate? Using Keller’s ARCS model, describe how you could change the motivate on of these people, or learners, to encourage success.

At present, when we need distributed learning developed, we have to go through a contract letting process that is bulky and cumbersome, at best.  It takes months to meander through the process.  Often times the need has been overcome by other events.  And this process is inefficient when updates to the courseware need to be made.  To this end, the cell of training developers that I work with is considering the purchase of either Articulate or Captivate, e-learning authoring software applications. 

Some in this group do not want to learn another program, and would be content with the status quo.  But the others want to drive on with the purchase, which would allow us to develop our own IMI and other courseware, and provide the means for rapid courseware updates. 

I would attempt to stimulate motivation using Keller’s ARCS model:

Gaining and Sustaining Attention I would show them one of the many tutorials, live demonstrations, or webcasts available and explain how easy these applications are to use. I would explain that rapid revisions would take only days or weeks, versus the months or years that are needed now.

Enhancing Relevance I would explain that the applications are relatively easy to learn and that with practice would come proficiency.

Building Confidence Once I became proficient, or at least somewhat skilled, I would let them experiment with the application, under my tutelage. 

Generating Satisfaction During the Building Confidence component, I would offer praise and encouragement for the progress that they are making, providing that they are making progress.


  1. Motivation is an important factor when implementing a new technology. Just as the students need to be motivated, adults need motivation also. Motivation helps for individuals to see how using the technology can be beneficial for everyone involved.

  2. Daniel, I enjoyed reading your blog. I liked how you took the ARCS and discussed each one. Great Job!

  3. Hello Daniel,

    Do you think that the ARCS model will work with learners who just do not care about experimenting with new technologies or is it just designed for learners with low self-efficacy?

  4. Dan... you mention using one of several different tools to gain and sustain attention. I was curious, do you think that one of these over another would have more appeal for your audience?
